Tag Archive | Cross-stitch key chain

Knitted Christmas Presents For All!

I got this post in right before the end of the year! Phew. I hope every has had a wonderful and pleasant holiday season. Mine was pretty nice. Can’t complain. Anyhoo, as said in a previous post, I participate in a Secret Santa gift exchange on the Geek Nights forum. This is the second year […]

Past projects part 1: cross-stitch projects

I started crafting back in mid 2008. I can’t recall the exact month, but it was around that time. After my first cross-stitch project, I was still very wet behind the ears, but up to the challenge of anything new. My next set of projects consisted of making various things to show my apprecation to […]

PAX Pox, DSi Cozy, and Cross-stitch Key Chains

I know. I know. I’m a horrible updater. I have been cross-stitching, but I just haven’t updated about it. I’ll do that in another post, but I’ll let you know that I’m making a lot of good progress on it. As for PAX, it was awesome. I was able to hang out with Rym, Scott […]