Tag Archive | crochet

Something To Aspire To – 2KCBWDAY6

“Is there a pattern or skill that you don’t yet feel ready to tackle but which you hope to (or think you can only dream of) tackling in the future, near or distant? Is there a skill or project that makes your mind boggle at the sheer time, dedication and mastery of the craft? Maybe […]

Tidy Mind, Tidy Stitches – 2KCBWDAY3

“How do you keep your yarn wrangling organized? It seems like an easy to answer question at first, but in fact organization exists on many levels. Maybe you are truly not organized at all, in which case I am personally daring you to try and photograph your stash in whatever locations you can find the […]

Skill +1UP – 2KCBWDAY2

“Look back over your last year of projects and compare where you are in terms of skill and knowledge of your craft to this time last year. Have you learned any new skills or forms of knitting/crochet?” This topic is somewhat moot because it has been a little over a year since I started knitting […]

A Tale of Two Yarns – 2KCBWDAY1

“Choose two yarns that you have either used, are in your stash or which you yearn after and capture what it is you love or loathe about them.” It’s been little over a year since I’ve been knitting and within that year I’ve practically turned into a yarn snob. I remember first starting off with […]