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2011 Resolutions and Crafting Goals

I hope everyone had a good 2010. I have to say it’s been a great year for me crafting-wise. I’ve finally learned how to knit and crochet and have made many things since last March. I wish I did more cross-stitch, but my knitting obsession was just too great.

Anyhoo, I’ve made a list of goals that I think will keep me challenged but still be attainable.

    Learn to knit socks. Socks are probably the one of the more difficult things to knit from what I’ve heard, and I want to learn. Plus, I love socks. When it’s not summer, my feet are constantly cold, so I’m always wearing socks. I figure why not make awesome warm socks instead of buying them?

    Knit a hat every month. I love knitting hats. I love circular knitting. Because of the holiday season and the continuing recession our country is in, the need for charity is even greater. So I’ve decided that I will knit at least one hat per month and give it to charity by next Christmas. I’ll be mostly using designs I find on Ravelry and using the yarn in the above image.

    Get back to cross-stitching. The last time I actually cross-stitched something was early last year. I didn’t even finish the project because I started to knit. I want to at least cross-stitch a few projects to keep up the skill and make a few designs of the 8-bit/geeky nature.

    Do more Amigurumi. I’ve only done a few amigurumi projects and I want to continue to do more. I want to make really cute adorable animals for myself and for presents.

    Keep the blog updated with posts. As long as I’m still crafting, I should keep the world updated with what I’ve been doing. I think that I’ve done a fairly decent job with at least posting twice a month. I want to try to post once a week with something useful or noteworthy. At times, I’m just too lazy to post after I finish a project. I always intend to do so, but I’d rather move onto the next project! ^^;;

Well those are my goals. I think I can do it. We’ll see how it goes. Along with these goals, I will continue to knit more things for myself and friends while trying to learn new techniques along the way.

As for the yarn image, I realized something recently with a hat project I was making. I really can no longer knit with Red Heart Super Saver Yarns. Don’t get me wrong. Red Heart does have several products other than their Super Saver line that is nice to use and will still be using them. The Super Saver yarn is decent for beginning projects, but I just don’t enjoy knitting with it anymore. It’s like scraping your nails on a chalkboard. I’m not kidding. I even used my Knitpicks Harmony wood needles, and it was painful.

So I had to get more yarn. There was a sale at Joann’s for yarn, so I ended up buying several of the Lion Brand Wool-Ease skeins. The yarn is fairly soft and nice to work with, but also inexpensive. It’s also part wool, so it’s possible to felt with it, unlike 100% acryllic yarn. Several of the hats you’ll be seeing in the future will be made from that yarn.

So now, I have several skeins of yarn of the Red Heart variety that I won’t be knitting with. Don’t worry. The yarn will not go to waste. I already have several ideas of what to do with it. I probably will do some amigurumi projects with them, as most amigurumi projects don’t require super special yarn. I also might use it to make small knitting kits to give to people who want to learn how to knit, or I will just give it to my boyfriend and he eventually wants to learn how to do amigurumi. If all else fails, I can donate it.

So here’s, hopefully, to a successful fun year of knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching! Wish me luck!


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One comment on “2011 Resolutions and Crafting Goals

  1. Good luck with your goals! I’ll totally be checking your blog to see how that goes.

    Despite not picking up a brush, I loved watching “Joy of Painting” with Bob Ross- I seem to really take pleasure in seeing people make stuff they enjoy in an old school way, even if I have no interest in trying it myself. So best of luck!

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